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BF - Board Policy Development

Board Approved PDF
File No
14 November, 2018
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The Board of Education of Nebo School District (“Board”) is an elected body with powers delegated to it by the Utah Legislature and the Utah State Board of Education. It is bound by certain mandatory laws, and authorized by others, to develop policies for the governance of the educational program within its jurisdiction. 

A policy is a statement of the Board’s intent with respect to matters of broad and long-range significance to the District. A policy specifies the direction and scope of organizational action and may require or place limits on action by members of the school community. 

Board policies govern practices and writings throughout the District, including administrative directives, procedures, and individual school or department rules. Failure to comply with policies is a cause for disciplinary action against students and employees.  

Board policies must conform to the higher supremacy of state and federal laws. 

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The Board authorizes the Superintendent to delegate the drafting of policies to a Policy Committee (“Committee”). 

The Committee is comprised of assigned board members and certain members of the Management Team and should include an assistant or associate superintendent, directors of secondary and elementary education, coordinators as assigned, legal counsel, and the business administrator or an assistant business administrator.

The Committee meets regularly to review and discuss revisions to existing policies and proposals for new policies. 

The Committee may seek input from other employees and stakeholders, including members of the public, on proposed policy changes. 

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Each policy shall be given a unique title and file number consistent with the codification system used by the District.

Insofar as possible, each policy shall be limited to one subject.

Proposals for new policies or changes to existing policies may originate at any of several sources: a parent, a student, a taxpayer, a professional, an employee, a member of the Committee, a member of the Board, the Superintendent, a professional consultant, a civic group, etc.

Proposals for new policies or revisions to existing policies shall be directed to the Committee. 

The Committee prepares policy drafts for submission to the Board. The Committee seeks consensus in revisions to policy. In the event consensus is not reached, the Committee may seek input from the Superintendent’s staff or the Board. Once consensus is reached on a particular policy, or at the direction of the Superintendent, the policy is submitted to the Board for discussion and approval at board meeting. 

The Committee is authorized to make minor edits to policies when such edits do not change the substance of the policy. 

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Each policy must be approved by the Board in an open meeting. 

The policy title and file number must be included on the Board meeting agenda. 

The policy to be approved or adopted must be attached to the Board meeting agenda. 

Policies and amendments adopted by the Board shall be attached to and made part of the minutes of the meeting at which they are adopted.

Policies and amendments to policies shall be effective immediately upon adoption unless a specific effective date is provided in the policy itself or the resolution approving the policy.

The Board may repeal a policy during an open meeting. 

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A copy of each policy shall be maintained with the minutes of the board meeting at which it was approved. 

A copy of each policy shall be maintained by the Legal Department. 

The Superintendent shall ensure that policies are preserved and accessible to students, employees, and the public. 

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In addition to providing guidance and direction, policies are binding on employees, students, parents, and others within the jurisdiction and control of the District. 

Administrators and supervisors shall inform employees of applicable policies and procedures and ensure that they are implemented and followed. Failure to comply with policies may subject students and employees to disciplinary action.

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  • Adopted – 14 November 2018. The following policies are repealed and replaced by this single policy: BF (1978), BFA (1994), BFB (1978), BFC (1978), BFCA/CHB (1978), BFD (1978), BFE/CHD (1978), BFF (1978), BFG (1978), CH (1995), CHA (1978), and CHCA (2001).