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BH - Board Communication Protocols

Board Approved PDF
File No
14 April, 2021
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This policy is designed to provide a framework for effective and open communication between the Board of Education and the Superintendent, administrative staff, employees, parents, students, patrons, and news media. In establishing these communication protocols, it is important to consider and recognize certain foundational and guiding principles:

The Board’s primary function is to establish, review, and evaluate financial budgets, policies, and goals by which the District and schools are to be administered. The implementation and administration of the educational programs and general business of the District and schools is the responsibility of the Superintendent along with District and school administrative staff. 

The authority of the Board is derived from Utah law and effectuated through official actions taken as a group during public Board meetings. An individual Board member does not unilaterally have authority to take official action on behalf of the Board. 

Board members have a duty to uphold their constitutional oath of office and to observe and follow applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations, and District policies. 

Board members should only act within the scope of their authority in order to minimize the risk of exposing themselves and/or the District to liability and damages. Board members should avoid becoming personally involved in matters outside their scope of authority that may infringe upon individual rights afforded by grievance, appeal, and other due process procedures required by law and/or District policy. 

Board members shall not disclose information concerning confidential and legally privileged matters, including specifically, information obtained during Board closed sessions. 

As elected officials, Board members have a duty to represent and respond to their constituents. Board members also represent the entire District and have a duty to strive to serve in the overall best interests of students, parents, patrons, and employees throughout the District. 

Board members should follow the principles set forth the Board of Education of Nebo School District Code of Conduct as adopted by Nebo School District Policy BBF, Board of Education Code of Conduct

Generally, official communications from the Board to administrative staff and employees will be communicated through the Superintendent; and generally, official communications and reports to the Board from administrative staff and employees will be submitted through the Superintendent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this shall not be construed as denying the right of Board members, administrative staff, and employees to communicate with one another in appropriate circumstances.

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Board members should carefully listen to and/or read the concerns of individuals.

Board members should afford individuals the opportunity to be heard, and respond to them in a dignified, respectful manner by thanking them (in person, on the telephone, or through email or letter) for the information they have shared.

Board members may communicate to the individual that their concerns will be shared with the Board, and that they should expect to receive a response to their concerns from the Board President, the Superintendent, or a member of the Nebo School District administrative staff.

Board members have the right to speak on their own behalf, but must clearly communicate that their comments are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Board.

Official statements or responses on behalf of the Board shall be prepared by the Board President and Superintendent in coordination with the Public Information Officer and other individuals as applicable. The official statement or response shall be issued by the Board President or, if appropriate, by the Board Vice President, Superintendent, Public Information Officer, or other designated individual at the direction of the Board President.

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For additional guidance in responding to administrative staff, employees, parents, students, patrons, or the news media on specific topics and issues, Board members may wish consult the protocols attached as Exhibit “A”.

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Email communications by Board members with administrative staff, employees, parents, students, patrons, and news media may be considered a public record under the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) (Utah Code Ann. § 63G-2-101, et seq.), and as such, particular care should be taken to assure that email communications are appropriate and follow the requirements set forth in Nebo School District Policy EH, Records Access and Management / GRAMA. The following are some guidelines when communicating by email. 

Email communications should be clear and complete. Care should be taken to use proper language and grammar and avoid using "texting" shorthand and acronyms. 

Determine whether an email message requires, or may be appropriate or advisable to include, an attachment or reference to a particular document or source. 

Do not communicate by email on urgent items that need an immediate response. 

During face-to-face communications people rely on both verbal and body language to assist in communicating or understanding the message. It is difficult to convey the same type of information using email. Email communications are more likely to be misinterpreted than face-to-face communication. Especially in more complicated matters, consider whether an email is an appropriate means of communication. 

District email addresses are the property of the District, regardless of whether they are being utilized on a District owned or personal computer or mobile device. 

Be aware that the intended recipient may forward and share email communications with others. Also, be aware that an email message can easily be posted online or printed in the newspaper. 

Emails should be retained in accordance with Nebo School District Policy EH, Records Access and Management / GRAMA, and are subject to public record requests under GRAMA and subpoenas.

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If a member of the Board is contacted by the news media for a statement regarding an issue, the Board member should:

Determine whether the news media request can be handled through an individual response or requires an official statement from the Board.

If it is determined that it can be handled by an individual response, first review and become familiar with any information, resources, and materials that may be available related to the news media request. This information may be found in policies, budgets, financial statements, Board meeting minutes, etc. Contact the Superintendent or other District or school administrative officials if assistance is needed to obtain information, resources, and materials.

If it is determined that it requires an official statement from the Board, acknowledge the individual's request and let them know that the matter will be forwarded to the Board President. The official statement will be issued as per paragraph 2.5 above.

If the Board has already issued an official statement on the matter, the Board member may respond accordingly. A copy of the response to the individual should be sent to the Board President and Superintendent.

If the communication is sent to the entire Board, it is best to acknowledge receipt of the message and let the individual know that a response will be handled by the Board President.

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Board members who are parents of students enrolled in the schools in Nebo School District have the same access rights as other parents to visit schools and classrooms for purposes relating to their children’s education. Likewise, Board members may attend any school activities and events that are open to the general public. 

If an individual Board member is interested in visiting schools or classrooms in his/her official capacity as a Board member, he or she should inform the Superintendent of such visits and make arrangements for visitations through the respective school principals. Such official visits shall be regarded as expressions of interest in school affairs and not as “inspections” or visits for supervisory or administrative purposes. Official visits by Board members will be carried on under Board authorization and with the full knowledge of school administrative staff, including the Superintendent and other applicable supervisors.

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  • Revised: 14 April 2021 – updated Utah Code citations; made technical changes.
  • Revised 10 June 2015 – substantially rewritten; created exhibit A.
  • Adopted: 1978