It is the philosophy of the Board of Education of Nebo School District that personal educational planning is essential at both the elementary and secondary levels. In addition, Utah law requires the Board to establish policies for implementing individualized learning plans for students. Such plans are part of a process that continues from grade to grade and school to school. Continual assessment of student progress and goals is key to that process.
In accordance with Utah law, an individual learning plan shall be implemented for each student enrolled in the District’s elementary schools. An elementary student’s learning plan will be referred to throughout this policy as a Student Education Plan, or SEP.
Development of an SEP should involve the student, the student’s parent, and the student’s teacher. The SEP must be based on reliable, useful, and timely data on the student’s progress. The SEP must include goals that will facilitate planning and help the student accept responsibility for his or her own success.
A student’s SEP should be viewed and discussed at parent-teacher conferences, which shall be held at least three times each year, including in the fall, midyear, and spring.
Earnest and persistent effort shall be made to invite all parents/guardians and students to attend each of the three parent-teacher conferences at a scheduled time and in a scheduled place.
After the third parent-teacher conference, the original copy of the SEP form shall be placed in a folder which will move from grade to grade with the student.
The elementary parent-teacher conferences shall include:
Identified accomplishments and strengths of the student.
Relevant data about the student's progress.
Student education related goals.
Student, parent or guardian, and educator responsibilities for managing, monitoring, and encouraging student development.
In accordance with Utah law, an individual learning plan shall be implemented for each student enrolled in the District’s secondary schools. A secondary student’s learning plan will be referred to throughout this policy as a Plan for College and Career Readiness, or CCR Plan. A CCR Plan is developed by the student and the student’s parent or guardian, in consultation with school counselors, teachers, and administrators. A CCR Plan:
Is initiated at the beginning of grade 7;
Identifies a student’s skills and objectives;
Maps out a strategy to guide the student’s course selection; and
Links the student to post-secondary options, including higher education and careers.
Implementation of a student’s CCR Plan shall include at least the following conferences, which must be completed by a certified school counselor:
7th and 8th grades: one individual and one group conference during the two years;
9th and 10th grades: one individual and one group conference during the two years;
11th and 12th grades: one individual and one group conference during the two years; and
Other meetings as necessary or requested by the student’s parent.
Earnest and persistent effort shall be made to invite parents/guardians and students to attend CCR conferences at a scheduled time and in a scheduled place.
Individual CCR conferences shall be held in a room that allows for quiet and privacy.
Individual CCR conferences shall include:
Recognition of the student's strengths and accomplishments.
A review of relevant data towards the student's educational progress, including graduation requirements, early graduation opportunities, scholarships, possible work options and internships, and other post-secondary options and requirements.
A review of the student’s results of interest and aptitude tests which have been approved by the District Curriculum Committee.
By the end of the eighth grade, each student's CCR Plan shall include an identified area of vocational or career interest or goal and classes that are related to this interest or goal. Notwithstanding an identified career interest or goal, students may continue to explore and change the identified interest at any time. By the ninth grade, a student's CCR Plan should include his/her intent of early graduation, if applicable.
Assessment, management, and accountability expectations, as well as the development of guidelines, shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent and his/her staff.
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall see that each school is following this policy and applicable Utah laws and rules.
Each elementary school shall provide evidence that three parent-teacher conferences were held and that the above listed standards were met.
Each secondary school shall provide evidence that at least one individual and the required group CCR conferences were held and the above listed standards were met.
Nebo School District shall provide training to their educators on their role in assisting in the development and implementation of student education learning plans.
A portion of the District Annual Report Card will address the student education learning plan process.
Back to Top- Revised: 11 October 2017 – changed title from “Student Education Plan (SEP) and Student Education and Occupation Plan (SEOP)” to “Student Education Learning Plans” and revised terminology of SEP and SEOP throughout per HB126 (2017); modified requirements for plans and conferences per USBE rule; made technical changes.
- Revised: 12 January 2011 – added requirements for elementary & junior high forms and elementary conferences; added requirement that SEOP include career interest by end of 8th grade; superintendent ensures compliance; made technical changes.
- Adopted or revised: 10 July 2002.