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IIB - Library Materials

Board Approved PDF
File No
11 September, 2024
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The Board of Education values school libraries and supports their inclusion in District schools. School libraries supplement classroom instruction and encourage self-directed education and self-selected recreational reading. They support awareness of diverse viewpoints, ethnicities, and cultures beyond students’ immediate surroundings. The Board encourages development of a student body able to weigh competing views and make informed conclusions. 

The Board recognizes that students enjoy First Amendment rights of speech in school and that the school library offers a place and opportunity for students to remain free to exercise their intellectual freedom and right to read, inquire, study, and evaluate, outside of the school classroom. At the same time, the Board is sensitive to the reality that a school library is distinguishable from a public library because of its unique role in the instructional program as it primarily supports the equitable access to information and the education of minors. The school library is generally open during school hours, but does not serve the general public. The school library program functions as an integral part of the school’s mission in the transmission of public education and community values. In balancing these responsibilities, the Board respects Constitutional principles of law and recognizes the importance of community values in maintaining school library programs as part of the District’s educational system.

This policy specifies the process and criteria for selection and maintenance of library materials to provide balanced, relevant, age-appropriate, and varied resources for students. The policy also outlines the process for reviewing materials under Utah Code Ann. §53G-10-103.

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“Librarian” includes a media technician in an elementary school or a media specialist in a secondary school. 

“Library material” means any digital media (including audio or visual media) or physical text contained within a school library’s collection.

“School library” means the location, both physical and virtual, where library materials are housed and administered by professional staff hired to oversee the selection, maintenance, and access to school library materials.

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The librarian selects library materials consistent with this policy. In doing so, the librarian will work with and consider recommendations from parents, students, teachers, and administrators.  The librarian considers the following criteria in selecting library materials, including gifts and donations:

Overall purpose and educational significance;

Contribution and relevance to core standards;

Teacher, parent, and student requests;

Potential interest and appeal to students;

Factual content that is accurate and reliable;

Age-appropriateness for students;

Timeliness and/or permanence;

Contribution to the library’s inclusion of multiple diverse viewpoints and experiences, respectful treatment of opposing views, and an overall balanced perspective;

Readability and accessibility for intended audience;

Artistic quality and literary style;

Reputation and significance of author, producer, and/or publisher;

Variety of format with efforts to incorporate emerging technologies; 

Compliance with copyright laws and licensing agreements;

Compliance with Nebo School District policies, including Policy IGAI, Health Instruction and Sex Education; and

Quality and value that is commensurate with cost and/or need.

Electronic databases and other web-based searches and content will be filtered through the district’s internet filter.

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Deselection and weeding are essential processes to maintain an appropriate, relevant, up-to-date library collection. Librarians are responsible for maintaining the collection and determining if library materials should be removed or replaced based on the deselection or weeding criteria below. 

Library materials will be maintained consistent with the criteria listed in subsection 3.1 and any applicable state or federal laws, including Utah Code Ann. § 53G-10-103.

The school librarian will inventory the school library collection and equipment regularly. 

The inventory may be used to determine losses and remove damaged or worn materials to be considered for replacement. Library materials must be disposed of consistent with District policies. 

The inventory may also be used to deselect and remove materials that are inconsistent with the selection criteria or that are no longer relevant to the curriculum or of interest to students. 

The inventory may be used to identify gaps or deficits in the library’s collection.

Criteria for deselection or weeding of library materials may include:

failure to satisfy the selection criteria;

poor physical condition;

outdated or inaccurate content;

lack of age appropriateness;

lack of use

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A request for review alleging that a library material constitutes sensitive material under Utah Code Ann. § 53G-10-103 is governed by Nebo School District Policy II, Sensitive Instructional Materials and must be made according to procedures outlined in that policy. 

Except as provided in paragraph 5.1.1, upon request and consistent with this section, a library material may be reviewed by a school committee and considered for removal. A request for review of a library material under this paragraph may only be made by the following: 

a parent of a student who attends the school where the material is accessible; 

a student who attends the school; or 

an employee assigned to the school. 

The District may limit the number of requests an individual may make in the course of a school year.  

A request for review may be based upon a claim that the library material does not meet the selection criteria outlined in subsection 3.1 for the age of students to whom it is accessible. 

A request for review must be made using a form provided by the district, and the requester must deliver the form to the school principal. The requester must provide all information requested on the form, including the requester’s complaint or objection to the library material.

School-Level Committee

Upon receipt of a request for review, the principal will acknowledge the request, notify the associate superintendent over curriculum, and convene a school-level review committee within a reasonable time according to the procedure outlined below: 

The principal selects committee members and oversees the review. The principal may, but is not required to, read the materials and vote with the committee. However, the principal or a designated administrator does facilitate the review. 

The committee may include members from both elementary and secondary schools and must include the following: 

two certified employees (teachers, counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, teachers on special assignment, etc.); 

a librarian from the school; and 

three parents of current students, including parents reflective of the school community. 

The names and identities of committee members are confidential and shall not appear on any committee report. Names of committee members are classified as private under the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA). 

The committee will determine the amount of time needed for an adequate review of a material. The principal or other designated administrator will inform the requester of the estimated timeline. 

Members of the committee will receive materials to complete the review process, including the following:

access to the complete work; 

a copy of the request; 

access to this policy

The committee will evaluate the work as a whole to determine whether it satisfies the criteria listed in subsection 


Committee members read, watch, or listen to the work as a whole and evaluate the non-sexual content to determine whether the work was selected contrary to the selection criteria found in subsection 3.1 and should therefore be deselected. The committee also evaluates whether the work should be weeded based on the criteria listed in subsection 4.4. 

The committee considers the following factors. Each individual factor is not necessarily determinative in and of itself, but all should be considered together. 

Whether the work complies with applicable copyright laws and licensing agreements; 

Whether the content is defamatory or spreads disinformation; 

Whether the work’s factual content is accurate and reliable and does not spread misinformation; 

The extent to which the book contains profane and vulgar language; and

Whether the content promotes illegal activities for minors. 

The recommendation of the Review Committee will be determined by majority vote. If no majority emerges, the split vote will be indicated on the form. Committee members who disagree with the committee recommendation may include their individual recommendations on the form. 

The principal will review all recommendations from the committee and its members and submit them to the Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, along with the principal’s statement for or against the committee’s recommendation. 

A request for review may be denied if the material has already been reviewed and a decision issued within the past three years from the date of the request. 

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Consistent with Utah Code Ann. § 53G-4-402, school libraries will provide an online platform through which a parent is able to view information about materials the parent’s child borrows, including the following:



Description, and

A history of borrowed materials.

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  • Revised 11 September 2024 – added provision for parent access to materials per HB465 (2023); removed sensitive material review process and moved it to new Policy II per HB 29 (2024).
  • Adopted 14 December 2022 – adoptedin response to HB 374 (2022); certain sections moved from Policy IIA