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GDA - Classified Employee Job Review

Board Approved PDF
File No
13 July, 2022
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The Board of Education desires that the major duties and responsibilities of each classified employee be consistent with the written Job Description for which the employee was hired. From time to time it may become necessary to review a particular employee’s major duties and responsibilities to ensure such consistency. This policy outlines the procedures to be followed when conducting such a review. 

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“Classified Employees Job Study” or “Job Study” means the documents and/or associated computer software programs that contain the classified employee job descriptions, job evaluations or appraisals, salary studies, salary schedules, and other information and procedural guidelines in order to facilitate the hiring and proper lane assignment for classified employees.

The most recently completed Classified Employees Job Study, as conducted by the District administration, shall be controlling. 

In the event that the results of a Job Study indicate a need to reduce the lane assignment for a particular Job Description, no current classified employee shall have his/her salary reduced as a result thereof. Instead, classified employees who are currently receiving a salary higher than the new lane salary will receive an annual increase of fifty percent (50%) of the base increase. Over a period of time, this will bring the pay of this individual within the parameters of the new lane assignment and will not impose undue hardship on individuals affected. In the event that the results of a Job Study indicate the need to increase the lane assignment for a particular Job Description, the lane change will not be retroactive. New classified employees hired following the Job Study will be paid within the ranges of the new salary lane.

“Job Description” means the most recently completed job descriptions for classified employees in Nebo School District. The Job Description for each specific job position includes the name of the position, essential functions, other functions, job requirements/minimum qualifications, duties and responsibilities, experience, education, certificates and licenses, and any other applicable information related to a specific job position. In the event a new position is created for which there is no existing job description, a job description for that position will be created under the direction of the Department of Human Resources. The job description will be finalized and assigned a lane ranking. The Job Description will be the fundamental component in establishing the hiring criteria and in selecting the appropriate person for the position. The essential functions detailed in each Job Description, as updated from time to time, are binding on the Classified Employees hired to these positions. 

“Job Review” is the process of evaluating the actual major duties and responsibilities assigned or performed by a classified employee in comparison to the employee’s Job Description. If a Job Review results in a lane change for the employee, the employee’s employment status (at-will, provisional, or career) will not change as a result of the new lane assignment. Likewise, if a Job Review results in lane change, the lane change will not be retroactive but will be effective as of July 1 of the next fiscal year. 

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If a classified employee believes that the Job Description for his/her current position does not accurately reflect the major duties and responsibilities actually assigned and/or performed, or if the job position has changed substantially since the Job Description was created and approved, the employee may file a request for a Job Review. The Job Review procedures are as follows:

Classified employees who desire a Job Review must submit the Job Description of their current position and a completed Job Review Form to the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee prior to March 1st. Job Reviews will be conducted between March 1st and April 30th of each year. Classified employees may only request a Job Review for their same position once every two (2) years. The Job Descriptions and Job Review Forms are available at the Department of Human Resources.

In completing the Job Review Form, the employee must provide and document all relevant information in order to substantiate the discrepancies between the official Job Description and the major duties and responsibilities as presently assigned and/or performed.

Beginning on March 1st, the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee will review each Classified Employee Job Review Form with the requesting employee’s supervisor and other appropriate District administrators. The Job Review will include an evaluation of the information submitted by the employee on the Job Review Form in conjunction with analysis tools associated with the Classified Employees Job Study. Certain factors may be considered in the Job Review, including, but not limited to: (a) the complexity of the job in relation to coordination, scheduling, flexibility, diversity, and independent decision making; (b) the responsibilities of the job in relation to consequences of error, financial responsibilities, resources required, supervision of others, and workload; (c) the working environment, education, experience, knowledge, and skills associated with the job; and (d) any other relevant and applicable information from District administration. The Director of Human Resources will render a decision on the Job Review and notify the employee in writing on or before April 30th. The decision of the Director of Human Resources shall be based upon good and sufficient evidence consistent with the Classified Employees Job Study and in accordance with applicable District contracts, policies, and procedures. The decision of the Director of Human Resources is final and constitutes satisfaction of all administrative remedies. Furthermore, the decision may not be appealed through any grievance procedure.

A decision rendered through the Job Review process may consist of: (a) an adjustment in the employee’s lane assignment; (b) a modification of the employee’s assigned duties and responsibilities; (c) no adjustment to the employee’s lane assignment; or (d) any other action that is deemed reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.

The District, in its sole and absolute discretion, maintains the right to eliminate responsibilities or otherwise adjust an employee’s job duties in order for said employee to perform his/her job and remain on the same lane.

No classified employee will be discouraged or restrained from using the Job Review process

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  • Revised 13 July 2022 – changed effective date to July 1 of new fiscal year; made technical changes.
  • Revised 8 May 2013 – made decision of HR director final.
  • Revised 14 March 2012 – rewrote purpose and philosophy; modified definitions; removed reference to compensation and operating procedures; removed reference to association; made technical changes.
  • Revised 11 March 2009 – combined policy and procedures and simplified process.
  • Adopted 1984 – administrative procedures added in 1990