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GBHC - Employee Immunizations

Board Approved PDF
File No
13 January, 2021
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Utah law provides the local health department, in the event of a case or an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease among District students or employees, with the authority to exclude from school and the workplace all susceptible persons, including students and employees, to prevent the spread of communicable disease and to protect the public’s health. This policy is adopted to facilitate the timely identification of employees who must be excluded and to outline the details of their employment status during the period of exclusion. 

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All employees are encouraged to maintain and provide to the District a record of vaccination or immunity against the diseases listed in Section 4 below for ready access in the event of an outbreak. Employees should complete the electronic Employee Immunization Record, which is accessible through Nebo Data Apps. A record on file of employee immunizations will allow school administrators and local health department officials to immediately identify employees who may remain at work during the outbreak. Employees with no record on file, or whose record does not indicate immunization against the disease identified in an outbreak, may be excluded from the school or workplace until authorized by the local health department to return. 

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When the local health department verifies that a case or an outbreak of a disease listed in Section 4 below has been identified at a school or other District workplace site, the health department has the authority to exclude individuals it determines pose a risk to the public health. School officials should cooperate with health department personnel, including school nurses, to identify those students and employees who have not provided proof of immunity or vaccination. School administrators and school nurses shall have access to employee immunization records. If the health department determines that an employee must be excluded, the District will take action according to the following provisions. 

An excluded employee who has demonstrated a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance against receiving the vaccination shall be placed on paid administrative leave during the time of exclusion. If a substitute is needed, the District will cover the cost of the substitute during the time of exclusion. 

An excluded employee who has demonstrated by a written notice signed by a physician that the vaccination is not possible due to disability or other medical condition shall be placed on paid administrative leave during the time of exclusion. If a substitute is needed, the District will cover the cost of the substitute during the time of exclusion. 

Except as provided in paragraph 3.1.4, all other excluded employees shall be placed on unpaid administrative leave during the time of exclusion. If a substitute is needed, the District will cover the cost of the substitute during the time of exclusion. 

An excluded employee with accrued personal leave may use that leave until it is exhausted in lieu of the unpaid administrative leave. The Superintendent may, by administrative directive, allow employees to use short-term sick leave or paid time off in lieu of the unpaid administrative leave. 

When the health department determines an employee must be excluded, the school nurse or other health department official shall notify the school principal/supervisor. The principal/supervisor shall notify the employee and the Director of Human Resources of the exclusion. 

In the event an employee is excluded, school principals/supervisors and other District administrators shall communicate with health department officials regarding such issues as school schedules, activities, and other information so that the exclusion does not unnecessarily disrupt school operation.  

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In accordance with the recommendation of the Utah Department of Health, all employees are encouraged to be vaccinated against the following:

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)

Varicella (Chicken Pox)


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  • Revised: 13 January 2021 – removed effective date; allowed use of personal leave or, with administrative directive, sick leave in lieu of unpaid administrative leave; recommended COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Adopted: 9 January 2013.