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JU - Student Memorials

File No
12 October, 2011
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The Board of Education of Nebo School District recognizes that the loss of a student is deeply and broadly felt in the school community.  For fellow students, it may be their first direct experience with losing a friend. For parents, it is an almost unbearable tragedy. For educators, it is a time of difficult balance between allowing students a time to grieve and encouraging a return to school work.  The district must be sensitive to the needs of those individuals feeling the loss.  Because school is a major part of our lives, many in the school community will feel the need to memorialize the life of a deceased student as a means of coping, healing, and remembering.  The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the various types of memorials which may be established in the school setting.  Since schools are places designed primarily to support learning, these guidelines will ensure that memorials are appropriate and consistent across the district.

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Any student memorial involving the district or any of its schools, facilities, or programs must first be approved by the principal or the elementary or secondary director, as applicable, and shall be limited to the following:

Yearbook.  A student who has died may be acknowledged in his/her school yearbook in the year of the student’s death.  Information about the student may be included on a “Memorial Page.”  The information shall be limited to the student’s name, photo, dates of birth and death, and school activities in which the student participated.  Any other information must be specifically approved by the school’s principal.

 School Newspaper/Newsletter.  Acknowledgement of a student’s death and/or a tribute to his/her life may be included in one issue of the school’s newspaper or newsletter.

Dedications.  An existing school program, playbill, or specific event may be dedicated to the memory of the deceased student.  Dedications shall be limited to one-time events relevant to those activities in which the student participated. Dedications should take place before graduation of the school year during which the death occurred. 

Commemorative Events.  A commemorative school event may be established and held in the name of the deceased student.  The event must be related to a school sponsored class, club, or activity in which the deceased student participated. Commemorative events should promote learning and could include, but are not limited to, essay contests, poetry readings, musical performances, art shows, or science fairs.  Commemorative events may be advertised, but not held, during school hours and may occur annually if interest remains.  

Endowments.  Monetary donations may be made to a particular school, activity, department, or program in memory of the student.

Scholarships.  A scholarship may be created in memory of the student.  The scholarship may not be funded by the district or any of its schools or programs.

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Any existing student memorial not in compliance with these guidelines at the time these guidelines are adopted should be removed, where feasible, within ten (10) years after the death of the student and offered to the parents or legal guardians.

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