K - School-Community Relations

Title Summary
Policy: Approval for Policy 836: "KC - School Community Councils" | 2025-01-31 None
Policy: KA - School Facility Use Guidelines for the use of District facilities, facility use fee schedule, Facility Use Application, Facility Use Agreement, and insurance requirements.
Policy: KAA - Community Education Guidelines for Community Education programs and activities.
Policy: KAB - PTAs, PTOs, Booster Clubs, and Other Parent Support Groups Guidelines for the district and its schools, employees, and students interactions with PTA, PTOs, booster clubs and other parent support groups seeking to promote and enhance school programs.
Policy: KABA - Donations Guidelines for donations made by parents, citizens, businesses, and community organizations that enhance school programs, and are accepted and used in accordance to laws and regulations.
Policy: KAC - School Fundraising Activities Guidelines for school-sponsored fundraisers which includes alternative revenue streams, the approval process for a fundraiser, the number and frequency, permitted fundraising activities, third-party vendor involvement, and receipting and use of proceeds.
Policy: KACA - School Advertising Restrictions Guidelines for advertising on district properties, distribution of fliers and other materials using students, donations, and the handling of revenue received from the sale of advertising.
Policy: KAD - Summer / Out-of-Season Activities Standards, guidelines, and procedures to determine whether or not certain summer or out-of-season activities are sponsored by the District.
Policy: KB - Volunteers Outlines the parameters of volunteer service within the District and provides guidance to employees approving and using community volunteers.
Policy: KC - School Community Councils Policy governing School Community Councils.
Policy: KLD - Parent / Patron Dispute Resolution Guidelines for providing parents and patrons to be heard at the lowest appropriate level on disagreements or concerns.