When an employee or a student has forgotten or wants to change their password, they can do so in the Password Change app. This process will be effective as of January 15, 2025.
- Change My Password (Old Password Known)
Start by going to the Change Password application.
This can be done on the Nebo Website by clicking on Employees or Students, and choosing Change My Password. Alternatively, you can go to https://apps.nebo.edu/user_management/passwordChange/.
Enter your Nebo Email Address, your Old Password in the "Code or Old Password" field, and your New Password in the fields below. Make sure that you follow the requirements for the new password, or you will not be able to change your password.
Lastly, select the "Submit" button. Once the page has finished changing your password, you should see a success alert pop up.
If you have forgotten your password, you can still change your password by following the next steps below.
- Generating a One Time Code
Start by going to the Change Password application.
This can be done on the Nebo Website by clicking on Employees or Students, and choosing Change My Password. Alternatively, you can go to https://apps.nebo.edu/user_management/passwordChange/.
Click on the Tab at the top that says "Forgot Password".
You will then see a screen that looks like the following:
Type in your Nebo email address. Note - this can be either a student email address ending in @stu.nebo.edu, or an employee address ending in @nebo.edu.
When you type in your address and click Submit, you will see this message appear.
Next, you will need to go to your email - it will be sent to your nebo email, and sent to other emails that the district has record of. You will have a message where the Subject line says One Time Code. The email will say something like the following:
This code can only be used for your account, and will only be valid for 4 hours after it is generated.
- Using the One Time Code
Once you have received the email that looks something like the following:
You should be ready to use a one time code to change your password.
Reminder: This code can only be used for your account, and will only be valid for 4 hours after it is generated.
Go back to the Password Change app and place the code in the "Code or Old Password" box.
Then fill in the rest of the form - with your Nebo Email, and a new password that fills the requirements written in red above.
Lastly, select the "Submit" button. Once the page has finished changing your password, you should see a success alert pop up.
Related Articles & Links:
Article: Changing Student/Employee Passwords - Using a One Time Code (Employees Only)