Requesting Student Schedule Changes

Knowledge Base Group
Parents & Students
Infinite Campus
Custom Apps

Starting with the 2024-2025 school year, high school students will be able to request changes to their schedule online. These requests are sent to the student's counselor for review and approval. If approved, the changes will be made in the student's schedule. 

Please Note: If a class is full, that class will not be available as an option for replacement. Additionally, this process is not typically open all year round, and each school will enable the process for one semester at a time. For example, Semester 1 might be turned on before school starts but Semester 2 will not be viewable until the school opens requests in December. Contact your school if you have questions on when that period of accepting requests might be. 

Navigating to the Course Request App

In order to access the course request app, a student must be logged into their student portal. Once logged in and on the home screen, you will see a "Quick Links" section. The link to the app will be highlighted in blue in that list. 

Please Note: Parents will not be able to access this directly, as login information from the student is required. 

Logging Into the App

Once the link is selected in the student portal, a student will be redirected to a Google login page that looks like the following: 

Google Login Page.

Select "Sign in with Google" to begin the login process. A pop-up will appear that looks like the following: 

Signing in with Google.

Make sure to log in using the student's Nebo student email and password. 

Making Schedule Change Requests

Once a student is logged in, they should be able to see their schedule. It should look something like the following (please note that if you are using a mobile device, navigation may look slightly different):

Student Schedule shown in app.

Please Note: If a student is enrolled at a school and that school is accepting requests, they will be listed as a tab at the top of their screen.

To make a change to a student's schedule, select the edit schedule button next to each course, as shown below: 

Schedule Change Button.

Please Note: See the 'Make A Course Selection' section below for more information on this step. 

A list of possible replacements will be shown to the user as shown below:

Course Replacement Alternatives list.

Please Note: If a class has no availability, it cannot be selected as a replacement, as it is marked as "Course Full". 

To select a course as a replacement for a course (the name of the course is visible at the top of the screen), select the "Select as Replacement" button to the right of the course you would like to switch into. Depending on how the course that is being removed is scheduled, a student may be required to select more than one replacement course during a single request. 

Please Note: Upon making a request, a student may be shown a list of requirements that a selected replacement course has, if any. It will look something like the following: 

Replacement Course requirements.

When you select a replacement, that request is submitted. You DO NOT need to "submit" your requests in an additional step. They submit the moment the selection is made. Additionally, once a request is submitted, it will show for a student in the "Open Requests" section as shown below: 

Example of an Open Schedule Change Request.

A student can cancel a request at any time by selecting the "Cancel Request" button on the right of an open request. 

Please Note: Only one open request can be submitted per course at a time. This means that only one replacement course can be selected per current course in a student's schedule. A student may have as many open requests as necessary, limited by the number of currently enrolled courses they have. 

If a student would prefer to see all courses that are available during a semester, when they are taught, and the seat availability in that course (often called the master schedule), they can select the button at the top of each tab as shown below: 

See All Course Options Button

Please Note: This option is only available when a school is accepting requests. Also, be aware that a class may fill up while looking at this list. The list will not notify a student/update that a class has now filled up if they already have the list open when that process takes place. However, a reload of the list would show that change. 

The "Make A Course Selection" Course

You may see a "Make A Course Selection" course on your schedule. This course MUST be replaced. How this course works is if you click on any of them in your schedule, it will always find the first instance of this course in your schedule. You will be asked to replace all of them, one right after the other. For example, lets say you have this course in A Day Period 1, B Day Period 2, and B Day Period 4. If you select to change B Day Period 4, you will be forced to make a request starting with A Day Period 1, then B Day Period 2, then B Day Period 4 in that order. It will always start with the first instance and work forward (A Day before B Day, then Period 1 before Period 2, etc).

If you don't want to have a class during a period, you may select "Unscheduled" in that period instead. 

Cancelled/Completed Requests

When a student cancels a request, it will be shown in the closed requests section. Additionally, if a counselor has made a decision on a request, that will also show in the closed requests section. 

Closed Requests list.

Please Note: If a counselor has left notes on a request, a note bubble will appear next to the status of the request. That can be clicked on to see the notes from the counselor as shown below: 

Status of a Completed Request with Note Bubble
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why are the wrong courses and/or period/schedule showing up for the course I am trying to change?

A. If you experience an issue where a different period or day of classes shows up first instead of the courses for the class you selected, this is not an error. Due to how Nebo School district will sometimes build courses in the schedule, some classes will be what is called "Double-Blocked". This means that the course spans multiple periods or multiple days. For example, a course may be taught in 3rd and 4th Period on A Day. Another example would be that a course is taught on Period 1 on both A and B Days. 

Due to this, the system looks for courses that are in a student's schedule in a manner like this. You will experience this as well if you have - for example - Unscheduled in Period 1 on A Day and Period 4 on B Day. You will be asked to submit a request for Period 1, A Day first before you are allowed to select a replacement for Period 4, B Day. 

This is the workaround for this situation for the time being: 

Select any random course for Period 1, A Day, then make the request for Period 4, B Day that you want. Once you have completed that request, cancel the request for Period 1, A Day so it is not processed by your counselor. 


Q. Why won't a specific teacher's courses show up as an alternative for me to choose?

A. Usually when this happens, it is because your school has turned off that course or section from being selected in the system. This is usually due to the fact of additional requirements being necessary to request that course. Schools have complete autonomy to choose which courses show up as an option in the system. If you have questions about this, please reach out to your counselor directly for more information. 

Additionally, the section that you are trying to replace will not show up as an option to choose if the list of alternatives. 

There are some special circumstances where this could also be happening for other reasons. Contact your school for more information if you have questions. 


Q. Why can't I change a specific course on my schedule? It has the not allowed symbol next to the course. 

A. Schools have complete autonomy to choose which courses can be changed in the system. If you have questions about this, please reach out to your counselor directly for more information. 


Q. Why can't I see my second semester courses to submit requests for them? 

A. This system/process is not typically open all year round, and each school will enable the process for one semester at a time. For example, Semester 1 might be turned on before school starts but Semester 2 will not be viewable until the school opens requests in December. Contact your school if you have questions on when that period of accepting requests might be. 

Release Notes

Version 1.00 - Released August 1, 2024. 

Version 1.01 - Released August 2, 2024

  • Courses with no credit earned, such as Release Time, added as a selectable replacement course. 
  • Ability to see a master schedule to plan schedule prior to making requests. 
  • Error of blank screen when primary enrolled school is not accepting requests has been fixed. 

Version 1.02 - Released August 5, 2024

  • Some courses were not showing as full when they should have been. That is now corrected. 
  • Complete courses were being removed from the alternative list instead of just the section when the course that is desired is also the course that is being replaced. 
  • Logout button added. 

Version 1.03 - Released August 6, 2024

  • Introduced the "Make A Course Selection" process into the system.